Bryson Coat of Arms?

Pictured at left is a coat of arms that was awarded to a Bryson. Some coat-of-arms mills will sell one just like it. At this time, we have not been able to determine where it comes from with absolute certainty.

Please note that heraldry is a very complex subject that can be a source of great debate over highly technical details. However, according to what appears to be reliable sources, a Scot coat of arms may not be displayed except by the heir of the original recipient. Thus, there are no family coat of arms in Scotland. Only one person at a time may bare their father's coat of arms after his death. It passes from generation to generation just like the family lands.

Even today, it is a direct violation of Scot law to display 'bastard' coat of arms (a term for unrightfully assumed arms) and you can be prosecuted in Scot court.

Does this mean that you cannot display your Bryson family coat of arms that you bought? Does this mean we have no coat of arms? As an eighth generation hillbilly, your humble webmaster just doesn't know. I know about grits and cornbread, not the ancient system of heraldry. I leave it for you, my cousins, to decide for yourselves.

I claim no expert knowledge in the subject, but I just give the following links for your reference:

Bryson Heraldry

General Information